“So that cleaning assistants feel good about themselves”
Service voucher company Dome Assistance is the first company in the sector in Flanders to launch a charter for customers of household helpers. The service voucher company hopes that other sector companies will also subscribe to this code of conduct. “With the charter we want to achieve optimal working conditions for our employees,” says CEO Erika Tuypens.
Representing interests of cleaning helpers
“We consider it our duty to represent the interests of the household help. With the charter we commit ourselves to help develop the relationship between the household help and the customer in a sustainable way. It is a new step in taking care of the cleaning aid ”, Erika Tuypens continues.
Realizing a qualitative collaboration
The charter lists a number of principles or clear positions to realize a qualitative cooperation in which the cleaning assistant feels good about himself and the customer can expect an optimal result. “Numerous factors can make living together for a few hours not work or not producing the expected results. The charter is not mandatory, but does require commitment to a number of principles, ”says Erika Tuypens.
For example, the charter provides recommendations for optimal communication. It also provides advice to observe some practical principles so that the household help can function optimally and suffer no loss of income, e.g. due to unexpected changes to the work schedule, late cancellations or unusual work frequency. In addition, the document pays attention to mutual respect. The charter will be evaluated every two years and adjusted if necessary.
Dome Assistance has been active as a service check company for over ten years. In Flanders, the sector has more than 900 recognized service voucher companies, which together employ between 90,000 and 95,000 helpers in the household. More than a million families use service checks to pay for a cleaning or domestic help.
Source: KMOInsider.be